Preventive measures are better than breakdown maintenance; it’s a common phrase being used in heavy machinery maintenance industry. Same applies to banking. Once few major loans default we tend to avoid exposure in the sector. Instead of doing so preventive measures if taken at right time the sudden collapse of the sector or defaults could […]Read More
Akhilesh Kothari
July 3, 2020
No matter who we are whether an entrepreneur or a lender we always learn from our experiences. In good times we have funded aggressively based on projections of operators/ hotel brands etc or relied on feasibility studies done by third parties. But if economy is in bad shape, most of the projects we funded are […]Read More
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Banks are in distress and apprehensive of the outcome of business decisions due to volatility in business environment. intends to provide decision support materials written by experienced bank officials and professionals for insulating banks and bank officials from aberrations while taking financial decisions.