The Innate Divine – A Vedic Management Perspective
- General Banking
Hargovind Sachdev
- August 1, 2020
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During the pandemic exemplary services were rendered by bankers which largely went unrecognized. While the doctors/medical staff were busy in the frontline, the entire society is lubricated with cash/funds by strenuous service rendered by limited number of available staff who could reach office despite various odds, facing the threat of even local administration, who often did not give cognizance to bank staff. Where from the spirit is originating. It is time to introspect and renew our value system.To keep ourselves safe, we canât protect ourselves from everything. If we want to embrace life, we also have to embrace chaos.â
From multimillionaire to the commoner, safe confines of home have become the only medicine  to ward-off the mystery virus. The catastrophe has captivated over nine million people. Altogether weighing about 2 grams, the virus has paralyzed the life of over six billion people across continents and arbitrarily quarantined itself as a multi-faceted destroyer king of humanity and economies across the globe. Its unchallenged fiefdom has been conceded by people who have run away from responsibilities and literally locked themselves up. Research scientists including Nobel laureates, masquerading for long as messiahs of protecting human lives, are puffing behind their ostentatious research façade to evolve a formula to configure an antidote. But discovery of vaccines for the vulnerable multitudes is still a stock-in-process. Crestfallen intelligentsia claims that the world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.
Despite melting hours into minutes, the celebrity scientists have been delinquent and continue to grope in the dark to bring out a safe drug. Challenged by the taunts that the darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in time of crisis. Â their semi baked efforts to formulate a defense shield of uniform size that fits all remains a pipe dream. It is now becoming clear by the hour clock that man, who, after putting a short leg on the moon had unilaterally declared himself as the invincible master of the universe, has been quite distant from reality. Corona has broken the myth of invincibility. Despite hectic research, the scientific response to the puzzling conundrum has been muted and more and more deaths are seen across the continents. With helplessness dawning by every passing day, man has reluctantly surrendered to the destiny.Â
A crisis often brings out the best in you and you discover qualities that you never knew existed within. The power we discover inside ourselves as we survive a life-threatening experience can be utilized equally well outside of crisis too. We discover our greatness when we find ourselves in a situation bigger than we are in and we manage to grow bigger than the situation. From the predicament of hopelessness and despair, a surprise silver lining is becoming visible. There are signs of self-actualization in masses. The sublime human innate energy appears to be emerging across the globe to overtake the hopelessness to carve a defense mechanism through self-help. People are drawing on their internal strength for sustenance when everything has failed. This autonomous evolution of immunity has brought back the time-tested innate energy to reckoning.Â
It is wisely said that when someone is in crisis, do not start by teaching, leveraging or explaining. Just be with him to let grow. Crisis is a messenger. At first sign of crisis, the ignorant donât panic because they donât know what is going on, and then later they panic precisely because they donât know whatâs going on. You can never let a serious crisis go to waste. It is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. Any deep crisis is an opportunity to make our life extraordinary in some way. The secret of crisis management is good vs. bad. It is preventing the bad from getting worse. Man is not imprisoned by habit. Great changes in him can be wrought by crisis-once that crisis can be recognized and understood. This attitude has brought in stupendous results. Many curves are being flattened. The most desirable demolition happening is the flattening of the curve of inequality. From super rich to the poorest, everyone has realized that all lives matter and health is the only true wealth. The lust of fame and money vanishes in the morning! Everyone has a role play which can be performed only if normalcy is restored in all corners. The health consciousness has become the daily worship as all places of religion are closed. Inner strength has awakened.What role we can play unless some strength is bestowed on us by the almighty.How the simple peace loving desk workers generate courage to face the danger of virus attack and possible shifting to a hospital where the possibility of treatment is uncertain because of the long queue.
Inner strength of character canât be measured and actualized by any means but performance in the time of need. The mantra of living a simple life in modest attire and subdued eating is becoming a talisman for prudent subsistence. Frugal living and lofty thinking as envisaged by the Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi is dawning across the civilizations. People are engaged in harnessing and cultivating a sublime way of life of fellow feeling with satiated minds. Ambitions are curbed and crime rate is going down with quarrels and accidents becoming far and few in between. The death rate has fallen despite the pandemic. From family functions to funerals wasteful expenses are curtailed. There is new twittering of birds in the pollution free sky. The rivers are clean and the wind is whistling softly. It is rightly said that, âAt the epicenter of a storm, it is always calm. Find that center, your center. thatâs where you will find strength.â People appear to be inching towards this bliss.
Waives of crisis have confronted humanity through the ages, but resources and insights have always sprung up in response. Deep within every crisis is an opportunity for something beautiful. Every test successfully met is rewarded by some growth to intuitive knowledge, strengthening of character, or initiation into a higher consciousness. The welcome green shoots of a new way of life emanating from the internal energies of resolute humans are making life worth living. Today it is a manifestation which is visible to all.
It is said that in crisis be quick with the facts, slow with the blame. Good people are turning to love, courage and kindness, not hate, fear and cruelty. By providing food, money and care they are opting for a higher path of compassion, courage, understanding and love. Good leaders are emerging. Across the globe, hearts are praying and hands working. People have appreciated that a crisis is not a nine to five job. Crisis happens when you least expect it. Heroes are living with us, we often fail to recognise them. A mother of children visiting a bank /office and working facing the risk of health of herself and the family, silently maintaining the silverline of funds without which no family can survive. Â
Inspired by the lessons learnt during Covid, human attitude is experiencing a metamorphosis. Resolutions are made for simple living as a perineal pillar of life. The structure of business underwent complete transformation. The sale of soaps and sanitizers is going up and there are very few buyers for new clothes. Jewelers have started selling vegetables and wedding halls have become recouping centers for anti-virus. The decorated edifice of five stars hotels is playing as a stop gap semi hospital and airport runway has become a parking lot. Buying of a new car is a distant dream and travelling for tourism has vanished from the âto-doâ list. Self-sacrifice and modest spending are new normal scripting a way of life so different and divine. For the vehement competing contemporary generations, a pleasant and tempting scenario is unfolding. Everyone is wishing to elongate this new dawn sans Corona. The unique situation across all time zones is worth emulating and harnessing as long-term welcome change to living.It is time to reassess our priorities and formulate strategies for survival.Â
The human body is a goldmine of energy. It has four pillars of incessant internal energy. The physical body has weight, shape, and volume. The body can be touched, seen directly with eyes or in reflection in the mirror. There are four energy pillars resting the physical body that are not so easily seen. In spiritual parlance these pillars constitute a person’s aura or the human energy field. These pillars hold and store our mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional characteristics. They can be in balance or out of balance. Which is why it’s not enough to just heal the physical body when people fall sick. The harmony and balance of four energy pillars must also undergo medical due diligence and be treated for overall well-being.
The first pillar, or etheric, from the word “ether” a layer of our energy body, is located at an inch from the physical body. Energy experts describe it as feeling much like a spider web, sticky, and stretchy. It is also gray in color. The etheric energy is the blueprint or holograph of the physical body. The emotional energy of the body is the second pillar. Centrally located, this energy occupies crucial space where our feelings and fears reside. This energy is volatile making us experience extreme high or low feelings. The third pillar is the source of conceptualization from which our ideas emanate. Our belief systems have their reservoir here. This is where our thoughts are assimilated and sorted. We house here our personal truths, experiences and perceptions based on situations we have faced. The spiritual pillar of the human energy field is fourth and the most refined and scalable. It is the place where our “consciousness” or “higher awareness” resides. This pillar stores and reflects our universal consciousness
With the awakened internal energy so vast and varied, we can shun inertia to discard inactivity, dullness and lethargy and cultivate harmony, balance, purity and peaceful co-existence as a direct benefit of the present Corona crisis.COVID-19 has played a great equalizer affecting the next-door neighbor to the Prime Minister of UK alike. With no specific medicine to ward-off this virus, it is our immunity harnessed through harmonious accumulation of internal energy that has saved our lives. As such it is time to dwell deep inside our psyche and marshal the exuberance of innate strength to create a smooth life order.
Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest. In 1952, he attempted to climb the peak but failed. He did not give up. He carried the desire burning. In one of the interim meetings in London, Hillary walked to stage to a thunderous applause. The audience stood up to recognize his attempt at greatness but Hillary saw himself as failure. He moved away from the microphone and walked to the edge of the stage.
He made a fist and pointed at a picture of the mountain. He said in a loud voice, âMount Everest, you beat me first time, but I will beat you next time because you have grown all you are growing to growâŚbut I am still growing!
Before we learn about some of such traits from Sir Edmund Hillary’s life, the question arises: what was so extraordinary about his achievement? How did it help humankind? With no disregard to anyone, it can be articulated, he just climbed a mountain. Geography was not furthered by this achievement, scientific progress was scarcely hastened, and nothing new was discovered or invented. Yet the names of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay instantly entered into all cultures, folklore, nations and history books, as the names of heroes. They truly were men of heroic mould.
They represented the spirit of human beings overcoming gigantic odds while facing seemingly impossible challenges in life. It is a salute to their never-say-die spirits that they gave their best and won. Remember that this undying spirit also remains the core behind all discoveries, inventions, breakthroughs and fights against pandemics that happen across the world today or will happen in future.Â
All of us face challenges in life big and small. These challenges are nothing but âour Mt Everestâ. Some of us have conquered our Mt Everest and it is time to go for the poles. Some do not know how to move ahead. Some might have accepted defeat and therefore, given up on our own tryst with our greatness. In support of internal energy, nature has embodied us with five elements. A quick look at the role of five elements namely Earth, Water, Fire, Wind & Sky reveals our true strength.
Edmund Hillary leveraged these elements in his body and became the first man to climb the highest mountain. It was the victory of his innate divine, which alone can kill Corona.
Rightly said Edmund Hillary âIt is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.â The crisis has impregnated the society and valiant fighters emerged amongst ourselves, who are all capable leaders but restrained themselves within the confines of four walls. They have risked their life , taken the strain of reaching office against odds and trying to deliver services so that families have funds to pay for immediate needs including medical emergencies. While the virus is likely to stay , so is our fighting spirit, and will breed a new generation of service providers offering selfless service in the financial system.Â
Mr . Hargovind Sachdev
Former General Manager , State Bank of India /Writer/ Motivational Speaker
Nice to read something that instill confidence to face challenge at our doorstep. Good
Excellent coverage of thoughts on role of banks and employees at this crisis and supporting to socio economic development of the country with sustained efforts .
Thanks a lot Sir